

Package nameWeekly DownloadsVersionLicenseUpdated
@envelop/coreDownloadsVersionLicenseMar 6th, 2025


Allow you to format/modify execution result payload before returning it to your consumer.

The second argument executionArgs provides additional information for your formatter. It consists of contextValue, variableValues, document, operationName, and other properties.

import { execute, parse, subscribe, validate } from 'graphql'
import { envelop, useEngine, usePayloadFormatter } from '@envelop/core'
const getEnveloped = envelop({
  plugins: [
    useEngine({ parse, validate, specifiedRules, execute, subscribe }),
    usePayloadFormatter((result, executionArgs) => {
      // Return a modified result here,
      // Or `false`y value to keep it as-is.
    // ... other plugins ...