

Package nameWeekly DownloadsVersionLicenseUpdated
@envelop/execute-subscription-eventDownloadsVersionLicenseMar 6th, 2025


Utilities for hooking into the ExecuteSubscriptionEvent phase.


Create a new context object per ExecuteSubscriptionEvent phase, allowing to bypass common issues with context objects such as DataLoader caching issues.

import { execute, parse, specifiedRules, subscribe, validate } from 'graphql'
import { envelop, useEngine } from '@envelop/core'
import { useContextValuePerExecuteSubscriptionEvent } from '@envelop/execute-subscription-event'
import { createContext, createDataLoaders } from './context'
const getEnveloped = envelop({
  plugins: [
    useEngine({ parse, validate, specifiedRules, execute, subscribe }),
    useContext(() => createContext()),
    useContextValuePerExecuteSubscriptionEvent(() => ({
      // Existing context is merged with this context partial
      // By recreating the DataLoader we ensure no DataLoader caches from the previous event/initial field subscribe call are are hit
      contextPartial: {
        dataLoaders: createDataLoaders()
    // ... other plugins ...

Alternatively, you can also provide a callback that is invoked after each ExecuteSubscriptionEvent phase.

import { execute, parse, specifiedRules, subscribe, validate } from 'graphql'
import { envelop, useEngine } from '@envelop/core'
import { useContextValuePerExecuteSubscriptionEvent } from '@envelop/execute-subscription-event'
import { createContext, createDataLoaders } from './context'
const getEnveloped = envelop({
  plugins: [
    useEngine({ parse, validate, specifiedRules, execute, subscribe }),
    useContext(() => createContext()),
    useContextValuePerExecuteSubscriptionEvent(({ args }) => ({
      onEnd: () => {
        // Note that onEnd is invoked only after each ExecuteSubscriptionEvent phase
        // This means the initial event will still use the cache from potential subscribe dataloader calls
        // If you use this to clear DataLoader caches it is recommended to not do any DataLoader calls within your field subscribe function.
    // ... other plugins ...