
Plugin Lifecycle

Plugins are executed in order of their usage, and inject functionality serially, so aim to keep your plugins simple and standalone as much as possible.

The before functions are called in order, and then the after function of each hook will be called in the same order when the phase has been done.

The basic API allows you to keep the JS closure between before and after, for example:

const myPlugin = {
  onParse({ params }) {
    // This is the before function
    return ({ result }) => {
      // The is the after function,
      // JS Closure allow me to access the params here as well

All plugin lifecycle methods are executed in FIFO order (First-in, First-out) to make timing more consistent.

The Improved context

While in regular GraphQL executions, the context is built right before execute happens, in envelop we allow plugin developers to take part it that context from all phases.

While calling getEnveloped function (the result of envelop({ plugins: [ ... ]})), you can pass any custom object that will be the base for your GraphQL execution context.

In most cases, you’ll pass the incoming HTTP request (or, just the relevant parts of it) to make it available for the plugins you use:

import * as GraphQLJS from 'graphql'
import { envelop, useEngine } from '@envelop/core'
const getEnveloped = envelop({
  plugins: [
    // ... plugins
myHttpServer.on('request', async req => {
  const { parse, validate, contextFactory, execute, schema } = getEnveloped({ req })
  // ...

Plugins might also use this context to keep a contextual reference for objects they might need across stages.

So for example, if you wish to make some data from parse stage available for you in execute phase, you can extend the context while running onParse and then access that data in onExecute:

const myPlugin = {
  onParse({ extendContext }) {
      myVar: 'test'
  onExecute({ args }) {
    const myVar = args.contextValue.myVar

Plugins API

You can find the complete signature for plugins API here.


This method is called only once when the plugin is being initialized. This hook is triggered only once and is useful for setting up the plugin.


  • setSchema - sets the initial schema to be used.
  • plugins - list of all other loaded plugins.
  • addPlugin - adds a plugin to the list of plugins.


This method is called every time getEnveloped is called, and per request. This is useful if you need to do some setup right before an incoming execution flow.


  • setSchema - sets the initial schema to be used.
  • context - the initial context object passed to getEnveloped, including the context built by plugins that ran before.
  • extendContext - extends the initial context object with additional fields.


Called every time an operation is being executed.


  • params - the original parameters passes to parse function.
  • parseFn - the current parse function. By default, it’s the one from graphql package.
  • setParseFn - Replaces the parse function with a custom function.
  • setParsedDocument - sets the parse result. Setting this will skip calling parse for the executed operation.
  • context - the context object built so far by other plugins.
  • extendContext - extends the context object with additional fields.


  • result - the result DocumentNode of the parsing function.
  • replaceParseResult - replaces the parsed result.
  • context - the context object built so far by other plugins.
  • extendContext - extends the context object with additional fields.


Called every time an operation is being executed.


  • params - the original parameters passes to validate function.
  • validateFn - the current validate function. By default, it’s the one from graphql package.
  • setValidationFn - Replaces the validate function with a custom function.
  • addValidationRule - Adds a validation rule to the list of default validation rules (as defined in graphql package).
  • setResult - sets the validation result. Setting this will skip calling validate for the executed operation.
  • context - the context object built so far by other plugins.
  • extendContext - extends the context object with additional fields.


  • valid - A boolean indicates if the validation passed.
  • result - null in case of a valid document, otherwise an array of validation errors.
  • context - the context object built so far by other plugins.
  • extendContext - extends the context object with additional fields.


Called every time an operation is being executed. Used for building the GraphQL context incrementally.


  • context - the context object built so far by other plugins.
  • extendContext - extends the context object with additional fields.


  • context - the eventual built context, by all plugins.
  • extendContext - extends the context object with additional fields.


Called every time an operation is being executed. The return value of this function is extended and allows you to hook into resolver calls if needed.


  • args - arguments pass to execute (contains the document, variables and everything else that is needed for executing the GraphQL operation)
  • executeFn - the execute function to use, by default it’s the one from graphql package.
  • setExecuteFn - replaces the execute function.
  • setResultAndStopExecution - sets the result of the execution immediately. Calling this function will stop execution.
  • extendContext - allow you to extend the context before executing the operation.

You can return an object from that function, with the following fields:


Triggered when the execution of the operation is done.

  • result - the execution result, or AsyncIterable in case of stream response.
  • setResult - replaces the result. can either be with data or errors.

Since envelop aims to support stream responses (for live queries, or @stream/@defer), the result might be an AsyncIterable of multiple execution results.

If you wish your plugin to support this, please make sure to use the handleStreamOrSingleExecutionResult helper, like that:

import { handleStreamOrSingleExecutionResult, Plugin } from '@envelop/types'
const myPlugin = (): Plugin => {
  return {
    onExecute({ args }) {
      return {
        onExecuteDone(payload) {
          return handleStreamOrSingleExecutionResult(payload, ({ result, setResult }) => {
            // Here you can access the result, and modify it with setResult if needed

Alternately, if you don’t need to support stream responses, you can use the isAsyncIterable function as a type-guard:

import { isAsyncIterable, Plugin } from '@envelop/types'
const myPlugin = (): Plugin => {
  return {
    onExecute({ args }) {
      return {
        onExecuteDone({ result, setResult }) {
          if (!isAsyncIterable(result)) return
          // Here you can access result, and modify it with setResult if needed


Called every time a subscription operation is being executed. The return value of this function is extended, and allow you to hooks into resolver calls if needed.


  • args - arguments passes to subscribe (contains the document, variables and everything else that needed for executing the GraphQL operation)
  • subscribeFn - the subscribe function to use, by default it’s the one from graphql package.
  • setSubscribeFn - replaces the subscribe function.
  • extendContext - allow you to extend the context before executing the operation.
  • setResultAndStopExecution - sets the result of the execution immediately. Calling this function will stop execution.

You can return an object from that function, with the following fields:


Triggered when subscription result is being emitted from a subscription execution.

  • result - the subscription result.
  • setResult - replaces the result. can either be with data or errors.


envelop allow you to manage a reference to a schema, that you can later access and use within your server.

Some plugins (like gateway implementations) could potentially change the schema while running, so envelop will trigger that event in case of a schema change after all plugins have initialized.


  • schema - the GraphQLSchema
  • replaceSchema - replaces the schema. Calling this will trigger onSchemaChange for all other plugins (except for the one that initiated the change);


An optional instrumentation instance can be present in the plugin.

This Instrumentation instance allows wrapping an entire phase execution (including all plugin hooks); meaning, running code just before, just after and around the execution of the phase.

Instrumentation don’t have access to the input and outputs of a phase, use hooks to access that data. If needed, we recommend to share data between instrumentation and hooks with a WeakMap and the given context as the key.

All instrumentation take 2 parameters:

  • payload: an object containing the graphql context.
  • wrapped: The function representing the execution of the phase. It takes no parameters, and returns void (or Promise<void> for asynchronous phases). This function must always be called.

Instrumentation composition

If multiple plugins have instrumentation, they are composed in the same order as they are defined in the plugin array (from top to bottom).

It is possible to customize this composition if it doesn’t suit your needs (ie. you need hooks and instrumentation to have a different order of execution).

import { composeInstrumentation, envelop } from '@envelop/core'
const { instrumentation: instrumentation1, ...plugin1 } = usePlugin1()
const { instrumentation: instrumentation2, ...plugin2 } = usePlugin2()
const instrumentation = composeInstrumentation([instrumentation2, instrumentation1])
const getEnveloped = envelop({
  plugin: [{ instrumentation }, plugin1, plugin2]


Wraps the envelop (the call to envelop function) initialisation.

This includes all the plugins onEnveloped hooks, and the creation of the Envelop Orchestrator.

This instrument must be synchronous, the wrapped function is always synchronous.


Wraps the parse phase. This includes all the plugins onParse hooks and the actual parse function.

This instrument must be synchronous, the wrapped function is always synchronous.


Wraps the validate phase. This includes all the plugins onValidate hooks and the actual validate function.

This instrument must be synchronous, the wrapped function is always synchronous.


Wraps the context building phase. This includes all the plugins onContextBuilding hooks.

This instrument must be synchronous, the wrapped function is always synchronous.


Wraps the execute phase. This includes all the plugins onExecute hooks.

This instrument can be asynchronous, the wrapped function can be asynchronous. Be sure to await or use .then on the result of the wrapped function to run code after the execute phase.

Note that wrapped is not guaranted to return a promise.


Wraps the subscribe phase. This includes all the plugins onSubsribe hooks. Note that it doesn’t wrap the entire lifetime of the subscription, but only it’s intialisation.

This instrument can be asynchronous, the wrapped function can be asynchronous. Be sure to await or use .then on the result of the wrapped function to run code after the subsribe phase.

Note that wrapped is not guaranted to return a promise.